KubroTM > Preview of Kubro(TM) AIDE - AI Data Extraction
Preview of Kubro(TM) AIDE - AI Data Extraction
Posted on 24 April, 2023

Here's a quick preview of Kubro(TM) AIDE - AI Data Extraction from unstructured text:




With all the excitement about GPT and Large Language Models and after months of experimentation, we will soon be releasing Kubro(TM) AIDE, a new module fully integrated into Kubro(TM) Information Engine, the enterprise SaaS platform for data companies from Robotic Online Intelligence. 


We aim to bring a whole new level of efficiency to clients' data collection operations with a much faster and easier extraction of specific data points from unstructured text (raw text, PDF), with more to come.


Pointing the LLMs to a specific body of text, with narrowly defined objectives, can let the AI work its magic, though significant one-off prompt engineering is still needed.


Several weeks ago, we wrote a quick note with our take on Generative AI. It's a bit dated by now but the key points still hold - you can read it here.