KubroTM > Signallium(TM) Data Centers Dashboard and the Latest Quarterly Report on China
Signallium(TM) Data Centers Dashboard and the Latest Quarterly Report on China
Posted on 8 April, 2022

Just published to clients our Quarterly Market Report on Data Centers in China by Real Estate Foresight / Robotic Online Intelligence. It covers the latest deals, projects, strategies, and policy developments to April 6 and draws on the quarterly disclosures (esp. GDS, VNET, Chindata, Shanghai AtHub, Guangzhou Aofei, Dr Peng), our Projects & Deals database, and other intel from Signallium(TM) Data Centers market intelligence platform - originally focused on China and now extending to APAC and global sources.



Recent waves of policy themes include the 'East Data, West Compute' tagline, the 14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Economy Development, all with the power quota/ environmental focus as well as targeted distribution of different types of data centres into hubs and clusters. Then there is a digital transformation push and 'Go to the Cloud'. Metaverse adds another driver for computation demand. At the same time, big tech remains under policy scrutiny. 


Signallium(TM) Data Centers market intelligence platform is powered by Kubro(TM) The Information Engine, as well as our human analysts.